
Dec 2, 2008 3:22 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

My ex-landlord has finally backed down and given me most of my rent deposit back!!!   Needed a lot of pressure from my solicitor and very nearly a court summons but finally he has backed down!!!

My solicitor is my mums boss so i get that bit free (he didnt know this though)

Just felt like sharing this with you all!!!

Merry xmas

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Oct 23, 2008 4:28 PM by Discussion: Skinning

Hi all

Can anyone solve this wee problem im having

On this windowblind im making - you can see when i skin the top horizontal taskbar it overlaps
wheras the bottom bit also pictured is fine


Im using an animated start button if that makes a difference

In the preview it looks fine - also if i expand the top taskbar to two levels it works perfectly

Any ideas?

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Sep 9, 2008 5:48 PM by Discussion: Skinning

Hi again guys

Ive got some question which have been building up and i hope some people can answer them - Karma for questions...

1.  Even though i change my skin name and author in preferences in skinstudio it still shows as by stardock design in windowblinds - how do i change this permenantly?

2. I get a blurry font on the drop down menus in photoshop - ive went through the skin and changed every single font and taken off every effect but i can seem to find it - it seems to use the same menus as the right click toolbar ones which are perfect.

3. I cant for the life of me get transparency on the explorer information pane - i think the normal image has to be a bmp with the transparency unchecked while the glass image has to be png with transparency checked.   Ive tried copying code from other skins as well that have transparency here but it always turns out solid.

Hope someone can help

Thanks in advance

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Aug 18, 2008 9:49 PM by Discussion: Skinning
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Aug 6, 2008 8:29 PM by Discussion: Skinning

Again any help is appreciated

Btw the little guy in question is the little bottom right expander
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Aug 2, 2008 3:11 PM by Discussion: Skinning

Does anyone have any tips or tutorials for skinning window frames as i am at my wits end

I have spent days trying to slice up an image and am getting nowhere.
The images are always in the wrong place - the start menu was easy to slice but this is a nightmare

Failing the slice method i  try to just take the default image for example frame_top and draw other images over it
Its time consuming but works for a while but takes an age to line everything up.

Also every so often when importing an image it will all just squash and you cannot get it back to normal
Even importing the original image again exactly how it was does nothing - this was similar to the start menu problem i had earler

I have never in my life used such a buggy program as skin studio 6
I am very close to giving up until something better is made...

Has anyone made any sliced up PNG templates or have any good pixel lengths / settings

Thanks in advance
7 Replies Reply 2 Referrals

Jul 20, 2008 2:34 PM by Discussion: Skinning
Hi folks

I am stumped as to how to do the following. Apologies im totally new to this

I need a preview image for my skin.   in the windowblinds changer it just shows up as blank.

Also where do you skin the mouseover for the all programs menu?

I need rid of this blue square box

Thanks in advance if anyone can help
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Jul 17, 2008 10:07 PM by Discussion: Skinning

I was wondering if anyone could help

Im skinning the start menu at the moment.   All was fine until i skinned the top part (sp_top)
I dont want to use this part so firstly i made a blank png.

It has made the rest of the menu all squished wrong.
Even if i rest it back to the original image its still all squished thin with the shutdown buttons in the wrong place and the
vista icon box all over the place

Ive also tried putting it to no image defined - which doesnt work
Also tried changing the painting margins

Hopefully someone can help cause im not sure what else to try

9 Replies Reply 4 Referrals

Jul 17, 2008 10:06 PM by Discussion: Skinning

I was wondering if anyone could help

Im skinning the start menu at the moment.   All was fine until i skinned the top part (sp_top)
I dont want to use this part so firstly i made a blank png.

It has made the rest of the menu all squished wrong.
Even if i rest it back to the original image its still all squished thin with the shutdown buttons in the wrong place and the
vista icon box all over the place

Ive also tried putting it to no image defined - which doesnt work
Also tried changing the painting margins

Hopefully someone can help cause im not sure what else to try

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